This is an archive of all the fanfiction I wrote for:

Most of my works you can also find on AO3 and FanFictionNet.

This is also a complete archive of Mass Effect fanfiction written by Misfire Anon, my dear friend and collaborator, who recently gave me the green light to host all their stories.

The rating scheme is adopted from Archive Of Our Own (G: General Audiences; T: Teen and Up Audiences; M: Mature; E: Explicit). Stories rated E will have content notes on their respective pages.

Continue reading FANFICTION


It’s been a month since nano 2011 ended, and I finally got to [start] posting Ghost in the Machine. I’d hoped to post at least twice a week, but it doesn’t seem to be feasible, since it took me these four weeks to polish up the first five chapters. Very rough four weeks, if I may be honest; I went through several waves of depression over this work and even considered giving it up, but now that I’ve started posting, there’s no turning back.

Happy new year, dear friends. This gift was a bit slow in the making, but that’s because you deserve no less than the best I can do.